"Organizational and methodical work on the introduction of the Kazakh alphabet on the basis of Latin graphics in the educational institutions of the Kostanay region"

On December 14, 2017, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute organized a regional round table "Organizational and methodical work on the introduction of the Kazakh alphabet on the basis of Latin graphics in the educational institutions of the Kostanay region", organized by the philological faculty.

The aim of the regional round table is to share our thoughts on the transition to the Latin alphabet, share the plans for the future implementation of a wide range of the Latin alphabet.

Teachers of the department, 3-year students, deputy head of the Department for Development of the Languages of the Akimat of the Kostanay Region took part in the regional round table. Bimagambetov K.A., the director of the regional center for teaching languages "Tіldaryn" Talapova GM, the head of the department of practical linguistics of KSU them. A. Baytursynova, Ph.D. Zhursinalina GK, Kostanai Humanitarian College and Kostanay Teachers College, the city's school principals and teachers of the Kazakh language and literature.

They shared their views on the importance and relevance of the Latin alphabet in the development of the Kazakh language, general plans and general Latin script.











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