Round table "Latin alphabet - modern Kazakh culture in the world"

November 23, 2017 in the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute during the educational and methodological week "Kazakh national language and literature in the world space, the path to spiritual modernization" was held round table "Latin alphabet - modern Kazakh culture in the world", organized by the department of Kazakh language and.

The purpose of the round table is the importance of switching to the Latin alphabet, designating original sounds in separate letters, removing unnecessary sounds from the alphabet, getting rid of excessive spelling rules, changing the pronunciation of Kazakh words, analyzing information on the optimal and suboptimal sides.

The dean of the faculty of psychology and pedagogics, Ph.D., associate professor Aydynalieva NA, the dean of the Faculty of Philology Esirkepova K.K., the head of the Kazakh language and literature department S.Kanapina, the students of the 3-year course, director of the school No. 20 in Kostanay Shymbulatov KB, director of the school-gymnasium. Akhmetov A.Zh., teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the secondary school No. 115 Syzdykova D.Zh., head of the department of practical linguistics of the KSU named after N.Naushabayev of the Kostanai district. A. Baytursynova, Ph.D. Zhursinalina G.K., teachers of the Kostanay Humanitarian College Nұrzhan GT, Ahmetbekova A.Zh. they discussed the relevance and importance of the development of the Kazakh language in the Latin alphabet.

Today the transition of Kazakh script to the Latin alphabet is the most actual and vivid reflection of our spiritual renewal, while pointing to the similarity of the language and the history of the Turkic languages.

During the event it was noted that the most important in the transition to the Latin alphabet is the changes in the pronunciation of the Kazakh language, its optimal and not optimal sides.

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