Circle "Dialogue of Cultures"

On February the 7th , in the framework of the social project "You are not alone" the students of the first year of the Philological Faculty of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" under the supervision of teachers Konisarova LA and Koval O.V. held a meeting of the "Dialogue of Cultures" circle for serpin students. The purpose of holding this circle is the formation of a multicultural personality, who knows spoken and written language, knows the traditions, culture of Kazakh and Russian peoples, education of careful attitude to the word, the expansion of communicational opportunities.

The students responsible for the event explained that the forms of conducting classes will be conversations, quizzes, club of cheerful and resourceful, exercise games, making crosswords, discussing films, books, etc. At the first introductory lesson of the circle there was acquaintance with each other, the participants told about themselves, about their interests and hobbies, discussed the latest news in the sphere of culture and art of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian language.

At the end of the meeting the students had the opportunity to ask questions to the organizers of the circle. The participants thanked the students of the 1st year and their scientific leaders for organization of this circle and they were glad to attend this meeting.

The serpyn students of the 1 course Zhumanova Ajamal, Abdigani Raushan, Sharapadin Nazym and many others expressed the hope that this kind of productive work will continue in the future.

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