Professional orientation of students

31.01.2018 The Kazakh language and literature department organized a meeting with schoolchildren of the 11th grade of secondary schools of Mendykarinsky, Uzunkulsky, Amangeldinsky, Altynsarinsky district of Kostanay region. During the meeting, the students were given information about the specialties of the philological faculty of KSPI. It was said about the advantages of pedagogical specialties, specialties "Kazakh language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction", the competence of these specialties and their professional activities. Questions of students were answered.

Questions were asked about the cost of training, the amount of grants allocated for specialties, the discipline of selection, the nature of creative examinations Among the 11 classes, 20 pupils took part, 4 students chose the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" (Orazalieva Moldir - Zhitikarinskaya secondary school №9, Sabyrzhan Nursultan - Zhangeldinsky district, M. Dulatov secondary school, Minaidarova Asemgul - Mendykara district, Lomonosov, Samidosova Aruzhan - Altynsarinsky district). We hope that career-oriented work will bring positive results.

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