Poetic evening "Өлеңге әрімнің-ақ бар таласы"

February 13, 2018 at 11.00 in the audience 520 curators of the group GA. Seysembay and DA Aliyeva organized for the students 2 courses of the philological faculty of specialties "Kazakh language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction", in the form of a literary and musical evening curatorial hour on the topic «Өлеңге әркімнің-ақ бар таласы».

The purpose of the event is to promote the creativity of local poets and writers, to inculcate young people to creativity.

At the evening, the local poet Abylai Maudanov and the correspondent of the newspaper Kostanai tany, journalist Kaskyrbai Koyshymanov, answered questions from students, conducted a cognitive and educational dialogue. Acquainted with their creations, they talked about poetry and creativity.

The educational, informative and informative meeting was interesting both for the guests and for the participants.




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