“Jeopardy Game”

On March 5, 2018 the specialist of the Center of multilingualism Paul Lyudmila Yuryevna has held the game “Jeopardy Game”, with the purpose of checking and consolidation the knowledge of listeners of the Pre-Intermediate group in the field of country study of Great Britain and also increasing the motivation and interest in learning English. This game consisted of 2 rounds, on the following categories: English Literature, Music, Food, Holidays, General Facts, Royal Family, Contractions, Famous Englishmen, Films, and Sights.

Listeners actively answered the questions, have shown excellent knowledge of the country of the learned language and also have recognized the new facts on this subject. Listeners have shown special erudition in categories: English literature, Royal Family and Famous Englishmen.

In the end of an action have been counted the points and prize-winning places are distributed: the 1st place was taken by the teacher of department of preschool and primary education Gushchina Ulyana Valeryevna, the 2nd place – Unaybekova Assel Kenzhebayevna, the specialist of the center of distance learning, the 3rd place – the senior teacher of department of public disciplines, bases of the right and economy Razuvaeva Marina Vladimirovna. Winners have been awarded with memorable prizes and have noted that such lessons positively influence on the interest in acquisition of a foreign language.

We are grateful to all listeners who have participated in this game and we wish further success in learning English!


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