Methodical week of the department of foreign languages

Since 2.26.2018 to 3.03.2018 there has been a methodical week of the department of foreign languages. The theme: "Innovative technologies in foreign languages training in conditions of polylingual education". The events were held in the Kazakh, Russian, English, French and German languages, had different forms – competition, open occupation, round table, master class, theatrical performance, Internet – competition. Modern technologies have been used for their preparation.

“Competition of business cards and leaflets of future teachers” was held on Monday, on February 26. The third year students of the philological faculty took an active part in the demonstration of their professional abilities as the future teachers of foreign languages.

During the week, devoted to the Department of foreign languages, in the group of 21 ER was held a practical lesson on the subject of "Second foreign language (French)". The main topics were the Constitution and geographical location of France. At the lesson the teacher used such e-learning resources as multimedia presentation, an audio file with the song in the French language, interactive exercises. Watching the film and listening to songs in French was a motivational component for the study of French culture and the French language. Modern technical means of learning help to maintain motivation to learn French. In general, the tasks of the lesson are fulfilled, the set goals are realized. Prospects are seen in the further improvement of students ' dialogue speech, ability to work in pairs and groups. The lesson was attended by young teachers and students of the faculty

On the twenty-eighth of February in classroom № 138 ( the regional project office “Ruhani Zhangyru”) the meeting of the first-year students of 13ER,14ER,15ER groups of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" was held in the form of a round table discussion entitled «Ruhani Zhangiru – a guarantee for the future». The organizers of this event are PhD, assistant professors of foreign languages department K. T. Nurmukhametova and A. D. Bezaubekova. The meeting was attended by representatives of the regional TV and radio company "Kazakhstan-Kostanay ". The goal of this event was:

  • to develop students ' sense of patriotism in the discussion of the main directions of the program article of the President "Outlook into the future: modernization of public consciousness";
  • to reveal the direct interrelation of the directions of the program article with the daily life and activity of the student.

During this event, students and invited guests showed interest and expressed their opinion on the implementation of the program in Kazakhstan.

On Thursday, March 1, 2018 Nadezhda Matveeva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, and Marzhan Assembay, a 4-year student of the Specialty “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”, lead “Mobile Learning In Higher Education” workshop for educators and students of Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute.

During the workshop the participants had a chance to learn and practice different mobile applications, including DU Recorder, Mobizen Screen, PowToon, Screencast-O-Matic, Kahoot, Socrative Student, Quizizz, Word Cloud. The potential of WhatsApp, Viber, QR-code generators and QR-code scanners for organizing “paper-free” classes were demonstrated.

In September 2017, the Foreign Languages Department in conjunction with the Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorky of Kostanay launched the social project «GERMAN ON THE STAGE». The Project Manager was a professor of the Foreign Languages Department ​​G.K. Ismagulova,PhD.

In November 2017, the theatre troupe was invited to Almaty to take part in the yearly theatre festival “Deutsch auf der Bühne”, organized by the Goethe-Institute of Almaty and the Republican German Drama Theatre. The students of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages": Alexander Slobodyuk, Alexander Voikin, Asel Omarova, and the pupils of the SI "Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorky" of the educational Department of the Kostanay akimat: Alexey Krotov, Anastasia Khlevnaya and Anna Merkulova, played the play “Blaues Zimmer” on the stage. The jury appreciated the performance and the acting of the actors. The troupe took a worthy 2 place.

This theatrical performance has been performed on stage of the assembly hall of KSPI within a week of department of foreign languages.






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