City competition of research works and creative projects for junior students "Steps of discovery"

On the basis of the State Institution "School-gymnasium № 5A Education Department of Akimat of the city of Kostanay" on March, 28, 2018 the city competition of research works and creative projects for junior students "Steps of discovery" was organized.

The jury for the section of the English language was presented by the following teachers: N.A. Solovyova,, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages; V.V. Danilova, Ph.D., senior lecturer, and O.D. Podavets, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages.

The pupils of the schools of the 1-4 grades delivered reports on various topics of linguistic, cultural, mass and methodological plans. All performances were accompanied by visual didactic and audiovisual material.

All participants of the competition were awarded with prizes of different degrees. The best work, distinguished by authenticity, originality and independence of presentation, was selected as the student of the State Institution "24 School-gymnasium of the Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay".

In general, the event was motivational for all participants of this contest.


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