Intellectual game "Eyes-a mirror of a person“

Nowadays, when information technologies are developing at a rapid pace, the visual system is constantly experiencing increased loads. The increased volume of educational material, working with a computer, as well as General diseases, lack of exercise, and hereditary predisposition can lead to visual impairment. Taking into account the above, on March 4, 2020, 2nd-year students of the faculty of science and mathematics of KSPU. U. Sultangazin "Biology" of the Kazakh branch under the leadership of senior lecturer, Sundikova J. T. as part of the implementation of the social project "We are for a healthy lifestyle", the event "Koz - adamnyn aynasy" was held, aimed at preserving the vision of students.

The event was held in the form of a game. The participants of the game were divided into two teams. The game consisted of 5 rounds. Each round had tasks that were rated from 10 to 60 points. An important condition of preservation and strengthening of vision is a regular practice of eye exercises. During breaks, exercises were performed to improve the organ of vision. Summing up, the jury determined the winning team, and the hosts distributed memos to students with exercises and rules for preventing visual impairment.

The game was completed with the words of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty: "the Eye performs a miracle, revealing to the soul what exists outside the soul itself." Protect your vision!

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