Completing the courses of English language and beginning the new stage of project ACADEMICA

On January 28, 2017, 30-hour English language courses for the teaching staff of the Computer Science and Computer Technologies Department of the KSPI were successfully completed within the framework of the ACADEMICA project (Accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education ACADEMICA Project No. 561553-EPP-1-2015 -1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), co-financed by the European Union "Erasmus +".

The courses were conducted according to the plan and the developed syllabus, all materials were available on the educational platform. All participants of the courses carried out constant reflection through the blogging service, sharing their impressions and information. At the end of each module, an online rapid test was organized to track progress in the proficiency of the faculty vocabulary.

At the final phase of the courses, interactive lectures and practical exercises in English language of the teaching staff of the department within the framework of the taught ICT subject were organized as a reflection. In general, English language courses were an effective mechanism for preparing for the next phase of the ACADEMICA Project.


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