Round table: "Implementation of modernized programs on the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

A round table on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute on the theme: "Implementation of modernized programs on" Information and Communication Technologies "within the framework of the second National Event of the AСADEMICA Project - 561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2- CBHE-JP was held оn September 29th , 2017.

At the beginning of the event, the auditorium "Information and communication technologies" was solemnly opened and the presentation of equipment purchased at the expense of the "ACADEMICA" project fund took place.

The purpose of this event was to discuss the main stages of the project, monitor the modernization of education in the discipline "Information and Communication Technology".

Presentations were made by: the project manager –, the dean M.V. Sukhov; coordinator of the project –, the dean Kifik N.Yu .; tutor of the project - PhD, senior teacher V.V. Danilov; lecturer-participants of the project – the head of the department of “Informatics and computer technologies”, associate professor S.G. Eslyamov;, act. docent K.T.Tobylov;,, associate professor Z.S.Yersultanova; master G.B. Dauletbaeva.

The teachers of informatics and the head teachers of the schools of the city and the region (school № 3, school № 23, PML, SGC "Ozat", NIS, "Beregovaya secondary school") took part in the discussion.

During the round table discussion, participants asked questions about the problems and prospects of the project and the development of multilingual education in the aspect of information and communication technologies.

In general, this event is characterized as timely and effective.


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