Excursion of students of specialty "Geography" in the geological museum

Within the contract of cooperation of KGPI of department the natural of sciences with ID "Sevkaznedra" on November 6, 2017 students of 1 course of specialty "Geography" according to the plan of work of Sayakhat club under the leadership of teachers, the master of geography Zhusupova A.U., Baymaganbetova B.B., an asset of club of students of specialty "Geography" 3 courses have visited the Geological museum ID "Sevkaznedra" located to Kostanay.

The excursion purpose – to acquaint students with a variety of rocks, minerals, minerals of the Kostanay region. Since 1956 on the basis of the Kostanay region the geological museum of the North Kazakhstan department of geology and subsurface use of Sevkaznedr has been created. The museum is formed for the professional purposes – account and storage of geological collection materials. Exhibits are placed on 50 show-windows and systematized according to five sections:

  1. regional geology;
  2. minerals;
  3. educational and systematic collections on mineralogy, petrography and paleontology;
  4. jewelry and ornamental and facing stones;
  5. souvenirs.

The manager of the museum, Vera Petrovna, has told and has shown to students samples of geological, paleontologic materials. The attention of students was drawn by tests of oil extracted in Auliyekol district, the first is dated the 1961, second – 2013. The collection of flora and fauna of low miocene age from exposure Kushuk in Turgai is unique. It is the only location of flora and fauna of the Mediterranean type in Kazakhstan.

The material which is stored in the geological museum has the scientific potential, a huge local history, training material therefore within Sayakhat club students of 1 course have organized the social project "Kostanay – altyn besigim".

The excursion took place in the most live conversation, students were actively involved in her, asked questions. Existence in a subsoil of the earth of a huge variety of minerals, rocks has attracted great interest of students.

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