Selection stage of the subject olympiad on specialties 5B011300 - Biology and 5B011600 - Geography

On December 6, 2017 in the 814th lecture hall at department of natural sciences the selection round of the subject olympiad among students of 2 and 3 courses on specialties "Biology" and "Geography" has taken place.

The olympiad purpose is a identifications of quality of training of the let-out experts, fixing and increasing knowledge and abilities received in the course of theoretical and practical training, stimulation of creative growth, identification of the most gifted and talented students in a preparation profile, identification of future gifted teachers of schools.

Teachers of department of natural sciences of Ruchkinа G.A. became moderators of this action., Baubekova G.K., Bozhekenova Zh.T., Rulyova M.M., Baymaganbetova B.B., Zagorulko V.V. 34 students have participated in the Olympiad.

Tasks in biology consisted of 3 sections: 1. The test tasks demanding the choice only of one answer from four possible were offered students; 2. Test tasks with several possible answers; 3. Tasks for compliance establishments. Questions on geography also included themselves tasks of three levels: test, theoretical and analytical tasks.

Following the results of the Olympiad First place was won – Simonova Raisa (the 3rd course, the Russian office, "Biology") and three students of specialty "Geography", with the equal number of score – Morozova Yulia (the 3rd course, the Russian office), Derlyain Veronika (the 3rd course, the Russian office), Salmanov Bekzat (the 2nd course, the Kazakh office); The Second place – Potykanenko Nadezhda (the 2nd course, polylingual office, "Biology") and Zhaksybayeva Ayzhan (the 3rd course, polylingual office, "Geography"); The Third place – Artsybasheva Victoria (the 3rd course, the Russian office, "Biology") and Temirgaliyev Medet (the 2nd course, the Kazakh office, "Geography").

The subject Olympiad have added to its participants of experience, professionalism and confidence in future victories!

Отборочный этап предметной олимпиады по 
специальностям 5В011300-Биология и 5В011600-География

Отборочный этап предметной олимпиады по специальностям 5В011300-Биология и 5В011600-География

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