Republican festival of the innovative ideas “Zhastar-Otanga”

On October 28-29 in Astana students of natural-mathematical faculty of KSPI of specialty “Informatics” have participated in the republican festival of the innovative ideas “Zhastar -Otanga” held by Bolashak association with assistance of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The festival consisted of the educational module and an estimated part of the project which included: a seminar trainings from the qualified trainers specializing in area of innovations; master classes in the presentation of the ideas and projects; meetings with the famous Kazakhstan public and political figures; business games; a competition of the innovative ideas where students represented the startup projects for judges.

The festival took place in two stages. In the second stage there have passed 2 projects of students of specialty “Informatics”:

  • “Android операциялық жүйесі негізінде оқыту қосымшасын құру” – the project of the student of the 4th course of specialty “Informatics” Ziyatova A., the research supervisor – Aytbenova A.A.
  • “Macromedia Macromedia Flash ортасында оқыту – әдістемелік құралдарын жасау” project – Baybosynova A., the student of the 2nd course of specialty “Informatics”, the research supervisor – Dauletbayeva G.B.

Students were loaded with energy, have learned a lot of new and useful to themselves, upon termination of a festival it has issued certificates.

We wish to the students and research supervisors inspiration on creation and realization of the new ideas and perspective projects!


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