"Reproduction of chemists"

Within the program «Ruhani Zhangyru» at department of natural - mathematical sciences (10/26/2017) curator hour with participation of students of specialty "Chemistry" on the subject "Reproduction of chemists" was spent.

The legendary dean of chemical faculty of KAZGU of S.M. Kirov, the famous scientist B.A. Beremzhanov said that the CHEMISTRY is not only specialty, and the whole family of chemists. The scientists-chemists, teachers-chemists of all Kazakhstan inspired with these words always support relationship in scientific and pedagogical activity for the good of development of chemical science and education of the next generation of chemists. At the time of B.A. Beremzhanov's graduated from chemical faculty of KAZGU and under the leadership of this person master's theses were defended by present pensioners Hanapin Қ. Ғ., Utina Z.E., which have made a huge contribution to formation and development of department of chemistry of the KSPI. Graduates of KAZGU are Candidates of chemical sciences Zhumagaliyev B.M., Abdikalikova K.A., Taurbayeva G. O., the master of chemical sciences Nurusheva A.B. which work at department of natural sciences of KSPI now.

Thus the generation of chemists and in the Kostanay region which father is Beremzhanov B. A. proceeds.

The staff of department of natural - mathematical sciences on this action has congratulated Candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor Zhumagaliyeva Batzhan Mukanovna on 70-year anniversary.

Batzhan Mukanovna has come to work in 1993 by the invitation of the Kostanay State University and till this day works at department of natural - mathematical sciences of KSPI which has separated from the university in 2004. Zhumagaliyeva B.M. is a strong chemist, perfectly knowing fundamentals of chemical sciences and able to present them to students. It is selflessly betrayed to the business, has high moral qualities and on this example brings up younger generation of students chemists. Following the results of 2017 she is the best curator of higher education institution. Now her many graduates successfully work in Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Kostanay.

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