The concert program «Тәуелсіздік – ел тұғыры»

The Independence Day is the main holiday of our state. This day each citizen of our homeland remembers how we have reached the main property of the country – Nazvisimosti. Learns to appreciate it, to respect and be proud.

The concert program passing on December 15 in the dormitory No. 1 of Kostanay has been devoted to this holiday. This action has been organized by students of natural and mathematical faculty of KSPI. All participants of a concert have shown the talents, pleased the audience with fine performances, thereby developing patriotic feeling of the audience and their pride of the country. The festive event has begun with the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Further the performance of the student of the specialty Chemistry Kasymova Aytolkyn's has followed. Dancers have pleased the audience with the fine dance "Mereke".

We congratulate all residents of Kazakhstan on the Independence Day!


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