Scientific-practical conference "Teaching natural-mathematical and technical subjects at school"

April 12, from 09.30-15.00 on the natural-mathematical faculty student scientific-practical conference "Teaching natural-mathematical and technical subjects at school", devoted to Day of workers of science (Executive Kalzhanov M.U., associate Professor, Shevchenko I.M., senior lecturer).

The main purpose of the conference was to attract students to research work, promoting the full disclosure of the abilities of students in the field of scientific activity. Conference participants: students of 2-4 courses of natural-mathematical faculty.

At the plenary session (in lecture hall A-205 Mikhail Sukhov, Dean of natural-mathematical faculty, Candidate of Technical Sciences, who expressed confidence that the work of today's student scientific and practical conference will confirm the aspiration of our students in the future, congratulated everyone on the beginning of the conference and wished creative success in the work of the conference. Wish fruitful work was expressed by the head of Department of academic programs of the KSPU, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Chernyavskaya Olga Mikhailovna. .

Made an introductory speech Telegina O. S., acting head of department of physical-mathematical and common technical disciplines.

From 10.00 in the classrooms of the KSPU sessions of the sections began:

  • section №1 (lecture hall 826) - Scientific aspects of natural-mathematical and technical disciplines (Chairman Abdykalikova Kalimas Ahatovna – PhD in Chemistry, associate Professor Department of Natural Sciences) – 16 reports on the state and Russian languages for students of specialties "Mathematics", "Chemistry", "Informatics", "Biology»;
  • section №2 (lecture hall 412) – Methods of teaching Natural-mathematical and technical disciplines (Chairman Abdimominova Dildash Kapparovna – master of pedagogical education, senior lecturer of department of physical-mathematical and common technical disciplines) – 25 reports on the state language of students of specialties "Mathematics", "Physics", "Informatics", "Geography", "Professional education»;
  • section №3 (lecture hall A-205) – Methods of teaching Natural-mathematical and technical disciplines (Chairman Shagiakhmetova Liliya Mirasovna – senior lecturer of department of physical-mathematical and common technical disciplines) – 33 of the report in Russian language of students specialty "Mathematics", "Physics", "Informatics", "Professional education";
  • section №4 (lecture hall 417) - Applied aspects of natural-mathematical and technical disciplines (Chairman Kalzhanov Marat Omirbekovich – Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate Professor of the department of physical-mathematical and common technical disciplines) - 23 report on the state and Russian languages for students specialty "Mathematics", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Informatics", "Geography", "Vocational education".

All speakers in the speeches showed the practical results of their scientific and thesis work. On the questions asked by the students, full answers were given, showing their involvement and knowledge of the topic under consideration.

Each speaker's speeches were interesting. For example:

In the report Kisilevich E. A., Dovgodko V. A., 4th course students of specialty "Mathematics "on" Examples of matrix rings over quarternions and polynomials", a new way of creating a matrix ring, which has not been considered anywhere else, and students as a result of the analysis of foreign literature and data created a new ring.

In the report Kikot M.Yu., a 4th-year student of the specialty "Chemistry" on the "Ascorbic acid system", the influence of various compounds on ascorbic acid in food was examined.

In the report Kuzenyatkina A. Yu., 4th course student of "Chemistry" on the topic "Study of the chemical composition of fruit puree", compared mashed Apple and mashed potatoes, purchased in retail outlets of one famous brand of different taste directions: Apple and Apple-banana, considered the effect of oxygen on the hydrocarbon composition of mashed potatoes. As a result of the experimental observations it was found out that the composition of the mashed potatoes purchased in the store does not differ from the mashed potatoes of home origin.

Abylai N. D. (topic of the report "Заманауи ақпараттық технологиялар арқылы Геометрияның «Стереометрия» бөлімін оқушыларға жеңіл әрі тиімді түрде түсіндіру") showcased a few programs to the Kazakh language Bilimland, 3Doodler all geometric concepts, geometric representations of figures in space, showed a technique to solve geometric problems under "Stereometry" with the help of these programs. The work was approved in the course of practical training.

Sain D. A., student of the 4th course of the specialty "Vocational education" (topic "Отқұндақты пешті «Кәсіптік оқыту» мамандығы бойынша қолдану маңыздылығы туралы"), revealed the relevance of the chosen topic, presented the drawings and routings manufacturing of muffle furnaces from scrap materials in accordance with standards and safety, calculated the economic efficiency and proposed several ways of making a muffle furnace under conditions of school workshops.

Algabek D. U., 4th year student of the specialty "Vocational education", developed a model ship made of plywood with different compounds of parts, suggested the use in practice in school workshops such models for students to learn different compounds of parts.

Clarity, consistency and validity of different performances of students of specialty "Chemistry", Knodell A. and Syzdykova E., which was noted by the Chairman and the moderator of the section. Performance of students majoring in "Computer science" 2 and 3 courses have earned the attention of the audience the relevance of topics.

The report of the student specialty "Mathematics" Tsirik V. was devoted to the topic of using the section of analytical geometry "Straight line on the plane" to solve the problems of school geometry course. Speaker rasskryl actuality topics, has presented methods for solving problems. .

4th course student of specialty "Physics" Khametov D. presented the content and methodology of virtual excursions in physics. The author successfully picked up the objects of excursions (Large hadron Collider, nuclear power plant, battery plant, etc.), traced the originality and novelty of the idea. .

Speaker: Abdrakhmanov Zh.K., a student of the 4 course specialty "Physics", described the experience of manufacturing in the home of a semiconductor laser. He cited the concept of the laser and the calculation of the parameters of the necessary parts, as well as the content and methodology of the three laboratory works for students of grade 11 using a manufactured laser.

Baykalov A. A., Burak D. V., 3rd and 4th course students of specialty " Chemistry" (theme "Hardware of the process of electroplating chromium-plated materials based on ferrite alloys"), reported on the research, during which a chromium plating unit consisting of a chamber, a galvanic bath with a lid and a DC source was assembled and an uneven coating of milk chromium was obtained. .

Burak D. V., student of 3rd course of specialty "Chemistry" (the theme of "development of a laboratory power supply with adjustable parameters on the basis of the charging device of the personal computer"), justified the need to develop a robust and sufficiently powerful power supply that meets the requirements of a large number of chemical processes. The visual effect of the developed power supply unit with the ability to adjust the voltage on the basis of the switching charger Acer Travel Mate 6492 was demonstrated.

This power supply unit is successfully implemented in the educational process. The student presented a list of subjects indicating the type of occupation and a brief description of the application of the block.

At the end of the work were summed up – the chairmen of the sections expressed their views on the conference, summed up the results and named the winners. The work of the conference was fruitful, at a high scientific and methodological level. The objective of the conference was achieved. All participants were awarded diplomas. The winners in each section were awarded with certificates. At the end of the conference it is planned to publish a collection of articles of the conference.

Winners of the student scientific-practical conference on sections

Section № 1 (lecture hall 826) Scientific aspects of natural-mathematical and technical disciplines

  • I place - Kiselevich Elena Alekseevna, Dovgodko Victoria Andreevna, M-4 ("Examples of matrix rings over quaternions and polynomials", head of Demisenov B. N.)
  • II place - Satbekova Zhaniya Muratbekovna, Ch-4 ("Phytochemical study of Chelidónium május", head of Abdykalikova K. )
  • II place - Batyrbayeva Aygerim Kairatkyzy, B-4 ("To the taxonomy, phylogeny and faunistic diversity of the Kuznechikovs (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) of the Kostanay region", head of Bragina T. M.)
  • III place - Kozlovsky Stanislav Alexandrovich, Bailetyova Samal Talgatovna, M-4 ("Examples of groups of block matrices, their subgroups and normal subgroups", the head of Demisenov B. N.)
  • III place - Chapakin Ivan Vladimirovich, Ch-2 ("Studies of the content of nitrates and phosphates in sewage", the heads of Zhumagalieva B. M., Chashkov V. N.)
  • III place - Abdisalyk Kuralay Aldabergenkyzy, B-4 (Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib., Leonurus cardiaca L. dorilik өсімдіктерінің морфологиялы ерекшеліктері, head Kozhmukhametova A. S.)

Section number 2 (lecture hall 412) - Methods of teaching natural-mathematical and technical disciplines

  • I place - Abylai Nirdullet Doszhanly, M-4 ("Заманауи ақпараттық технологиялар арқылы Геометрияның «Стереометрия» бөлімін оқушыларға жеңіл әрі тиімді түрде түсіндіру", head of Askanbaeva G. B.)
  • II place - Algabek Duman Ualikhanuli, VE-4 ("Ағаш материалдардан құрастырмалы бұйымдар жасау ", head of Abdimominova D. K.)
  • II place - Sain Duman Asaryli, VE-4 ("Отқұндақты пешті «Кәсіптік оқыту» мамандығы бойынша қолдану маңыздылығы туралы", head of Zhigitov A. B.)
  • III place - Ertai Tayat Aidarly, M-4 ("Инновациялық технологияларды геометрия сабағында «Төртбұрыштар» тақырыбында қолдану " Tortburyshtar "takyrbynda Koldanu", leader Askanbaeva G. B.)
  • III place - Turebekova Nursaule, Pernebai Balnur, I-3 ("Интерактивті оқыту құралдарын әзірлеуге smartnotebook программасын қолдану", head of Ersultanova Z.S.)
  • III place - Akhatay Aydaykyz Shkirirzyzy, VE-4 ("Ағаштан бұйымдарды сыныптан тыс сабақтарда жасату арқылы оқушылардың шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамыту", head of Abdimominova D.K.)

Section № 2 (lecture hall A-205) - Methods of teaching natural-mathematical and technical disciplines

  • I place –Knodel Anastasia Pavlovna, Ch-4 ("Analysis of the results of the use of experimental tasks in chemistry lessons in 8 high school classes", head Kobets T.S.)
  • II place – Syzdykova Eleonora Kunuspayeva, ("Using methods of interactive learning in chemistry classes for the formation of IT-competence of pupils", head Yergaliyeva E. M.)
  • II place – Brusnik Sergey Viktorovich, I-3 ("Video course" scetchup-creation of three-dimensional images", head Nadyrova F.K.)
  • III place – Vinislavskaya Yana Anatolevna, M-4 ("Interactive technologies in mathematics lessons by the updated program of education", head of Dospulova U.K.)
  • III place – Ciric Victor S., M-4 ("the Use of analytic geometry "Straight line on the plane" to the solution of problems of a school course of geometry", head Aksanbaeva G.B.)
  • III place-Khametov Darkhan Kenzhebekovich, f-4 ("Virtual tour in the process of learning physics", head Demina N. F.)
  • III place – Zharova Altingul, Shakimov Azat, I-2 ("the use of the online resource for the design of didactic materials", headed by Ersultanova Z.S.)

Section № 3 (lecture hall 417) – Applied aspects of natural-mathematical and technical disciplines

  • I place - Burak Dmitri Valerievich, Ch-4 ("Development of a laboratory power supply with adjustable parameters based on a personal computer charger", the head of Kobets T. S.)
  • II place - Abdrakhmanov Zhaslan Kabdeshuly, Ph-4 ("Creation of a semiconductor laser in the home, the use of a laser in laboratory work", the head of Demina N.F.)
  • II place - Baikalov Andrei Andreevich, Ch-3, Burak Dmitri Valerievich, Ch-4 ("Hardware for the process of galvanic chrome plating of materials based on ferritic alloys", the head of Kobets T.S.)
  • III place - Nazarbek Majsat, I-3 ("Қостанай мемлекеттік педагогикалық университетіне виртуалды 3d тур жасау ", the head of Ersultanova Z.S.)
  • III place - Radko Svetlana Vasilievna, G-4 ("Geographical analysis of anthropotoponyms of Kostanay region", the head of Koval V.V.)
  • III place - Svechinskaya Violetta Viktorovna, G-4 ("Formation of local lore literacy among schoolchildren, through excursions to the museums of the city of Kostanay", the head of Baubekova G.K.)

In General, the jury noted that the work of the sections was successful, the stated topics are relevant. Recommendations of the jury: in subsequent conferences, the heads of students ' works pay close attention to the choice of sections, taking into account compliance with the scientific, methodological and applied orientation.









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