"Hi, Nauryz!"

On March 19, 2018 at department ФМиОТД there has taken place the celebration of the Nauryz which is traditionally organized by the senior teacher Abdimominovy D.K. The event was a framework of curator hour. 3 courses of specialty "Professional Training" according to the Rukhani Zhangyru program are conducted by students.

Main goal of curator hour: to promote expansion of understanding pupils of a national holiday of Kazakhstan – the Nauryz, education of interest in the culture of the Kazakh people on the basis of national traditions, customs and life, morals, patriotism, to promote unity of collective. On these action teachers, the manager was present and took active part. Laboratories, manager. workshops, masters ON and laboratory assistants our departments, in particular; Dyomina N.F., Kasymovaa., Zhigitov A.B., Telegina O.S., Shagiakhmetova L.M., Koszhanova A.G., Shevchenko I.M., Demisenov B.N., Shokanova A. S., Askanbayeva G. B, Dospulova U. K., Alimbayev A. A., Aykadamov A.B., Akhmetova A. S., Selminskaya S. P., Yusupova L. R., etc.

The action took place in two languages: state and Russian.

The audience has been issued by students in national style, with use of modern technologies. Before starting the main part of curator hour, the video "Holiday Nauryz History" has been shown.

Students have reminded that the President of Kazakhstan N.Anazarbayev, speaking about greatness of this holiday, noted what traditionally in day of the Nauryz needs to be spoken about "good and kind, to be optimistically and cheerful", it "a holiday of forgiveness and trust, he is very necessary for multinational Kazakhstan".

Children have told about value of this holiday in the life of people, that for Kazakhs this holiday is a symbol of spring updating, a celebration of love, fertility and friendship, about that as celebrated this holiday in old times and as celebrate presently.

At the celebration of the Nauryz the Kazakh dances, songs and poems have been executed, the Kazakh traditions and customs, in particular "are presented to Syrga to fat" (clothing of earrings future bride), "Oramal" (donation of a kerchief to the pleasant guy). The lottery on according to the following sections has been played: "Traditions and ceremonies", "National clothes", "Kazakh cuisine", "Life of the Kazakh people". Participants of a lottery answered questions and won prizes for the correct answers, for example, the national, a hairpin, etc. Were the Kazakh ethnic cuisine is presented, the exhibition of the Kazakh folk applied art is prepared and organized.

The action has taken place at the high level; all have received a charge of positive energy and congratulated each other on the holiday Nauryz.

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