Curator hour

On February 22, 2018 with students 3 courses of specialty "Mathematics" of the Kazakh office the curator Berkembay of R. Ә. I have spent curator hour on the subject. The purpose of curator hour –is promotion of the Message of the President and an examination of students. During curator hour students Saken Dinara and Risbekova Balzhana have held 5 competitions:

  1. Business card of group.
  2. Protection of one of the first four directions of the Message.
  3. Competition of captains in two directions of the Message.
  4. In the seventh direction of the Message the competition "Questions and Answers" is held.
  5. In four directions of the Message a competition of posters.

The team became the winner of a competition. All students actively took part and have shown good knowledge of assimilation of the Message of the President. Teachers of department have visited curator hour: Kalzhanov M.U., Dospulova U.K. At the end of the curator hour Saken Dinara has played on a dombra forge the composer Nurgisa Tilendiyeva.

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