The Department of natural Sciences of the KSPU launched the campaign "Feed birds in the winter»

With the arrival of cold weather for birds comes a difficult time, and a large number of birds die in this period, not even from low temperatures, but from hunger. Every year, the student club «Birdwatchers» created on the basis of the research center of problems of biology and ecology of the KSPU of the Department of natural Sciences and mathematics faculty held the action "Feed birds in winter".

On November 23, 2018 within the framework of the action and strategy of active interaction with Specially protected natural areas of our region for active members of the club «Birdwatchers» and 1st year students of the specialty «Biology» was organized a meeting with the leadership of the club – the curator of the club doctor of biology, professor Bragina T. M., scientific consultants – candidate of biology, Bragin E. A. and Valyaeva E. A., Deputy curator of the club, master of biology, Rulyova M. M.

Bragina T. M. told about the importance of the action and the events organized during this period, stressing the importance of the participation of students. The guest of the event was the acting head of the scientific Department of Naurzum state nature reserve Batryakov R. R., who a few years ago graduated from our university. Batryakov R. R. spoke to the students, also stressing the importance of the action, and gave the club a bird feeder, urging them to ensure that the feeder of the club was never empty. We join the call of the reserve employee and in turn invite all concerned to join the annual action!


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