Creative event "Physics-lyrics»

On Thursday, April 11 at 14.30 began a creative event "Physics-lyrics".

The purpose of the event: to promote the development of creative potential of students majoring in "5B011000 - Physics", emancipation, team building.

At the beginning of the event acting head. Department Telegina O.S. summed up the Olympics on physics and astronomy, held on Tuesday 9 April.

Results of the Olympiad:

  • 1st place – Bakhytova Akerke (Phys-16-11)
  • 2nd place: Kuanyshbaevf Nursulu (Phys-16-11), Ustimirova Laura (F15-21)
  • 3rd place: Cense Begaiym (F16-11), Urmanov Risaldi (Phys-16-21), Kasymbekova Aigerim (Phys-15-21).
  • A separate prize was awarded to Alexander Belyankin (Phys- 17-31).

Within three days intellectual tasks were posted: crossword puzzles, anagrams, puzzles, tasks. According to their results, the most active intellectuals were also awarded.

The creative event "Physics-lyrics" was held in the form of a competition in 4 categories: song, dance, artistic word, original genre.

In the nomination "Song" students sang songs in the Kazakh language (traditional folk song to the accompaniment of the dombra, Tutkushev Almaz), in Russian (Dauletkhan Zhulduz, Urmanova Risaldi, a group Phys-17-31) and English (Maratova Nadira).

Dauletkhan Zhulduz performed at a high professional level.

Group Phys -17-21 made a theme song for physics and the presentation.

In the competitive nomination "Dance" performances were in two categories: folk choreography (Kazakh and Uzbek dances) and modern dance.

In the category of modern dance all students of groups Phys-16-11 and Phys-17-11 took part, which undoubtedly shows the cohesion of the groups.

In the category of folk dance: extraordinary plasticity, sense of rhythm and grace showed Mamenova Hilola (Phys-17-11) and Ermagambetova Diana (Phys-16-21).

In the nomination "Art of declamation" speech was in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Students showed artistry and individual style of Executive skill, originality and originality of the choice of repertoire, the ability to keep the audience's attention during the performance.

The beginning of the nomination revealed Sarmurzina Aida a poem by Boris Slutsky "Physics and poetry".

Fiction "Monologue orphans "("monologue sirote") Gulbekova Zarina (Phys-16-11) have touched the heart strings of every viewer. Raushan Balzhan showed extraordinary expressiveness with the work “pride of time”.

5 groups took part in the competition nomination "Original genre". It is gratifying that all the students came to this competition with humor, each issue was a highlight. Almost all groups have linked their performances with physics (a sketch "Two girlfriends and electric current", the demonstration of magic tricks and experiments with music and dancing) and mathematics work in school (a scene in class) and University (skit mathematician and accountant). The choice of the strongest in this competition was extremely difficult.


  • In the category "Song" won Urmanova Rysaldy (Phys-16-21)
  • In the nomination "Dance" won Mamanova of hilola (Phys-17-11)
  • In the nomination "Art word" won Gulbekova Zarina (Phys-16-11)
  • In the nomination "Original genre" the team won Phys-17-21
  • The prize from the jury was awarded to the 1st year students
  • Grand Prix of "Physics-lyrics " took students from Phys-16-11
  • The contest "Physics-lyrics" was held in one breath, everyone loved it.

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