Сongratulate with victory

On December 7, a 4-year student of the specialty Informatics Sabit Zere took part in the XI international scientific-practical conference "Kazakhstan model of transformation: socio-political context" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the implementation of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program at Karaganda State University by E.A. Buketov organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, Department of Political Science and Sociology.

Sabit Zere made a presentation at the plenary meetings of the conference on the topic “Developing a technique for providing educational resources with digital resources” (scientific adviser., Ph.D. Associate Professor Z. Yersultanova) also presented the work at the sectional meeting of the conference.

According to the results of the international competition of scientific works of students, undergraduates and doctoral students, Sabit Zereprize the second prize.

 The 2nd degree diploma was awarded to Zere by the vice-rector of innovative activity in science and technology E.M. Tazhbaev.

The staff of the Department of Computer Science, Robotics and Computer Technology congratulate Zere with great successes in scientific work and wish further achievements.

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