Development of languages of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan as one of the activities of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

22.09.16September 22, 2016 within Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan the Faculty of additional education has organized a meeting with students of 1-3 courses of specialties "History", "Bases of the Right and Economy" of Faculty of History and arts on the subject "Development of Languages of Ethnic Groups of Kazakhstan as one of activities of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan". During the meeting the Dean of Faculty of additional education Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich has conducted a tour in the museum of KSPI about history and current work of institute on formation of culture of interethnic communication. The associate professor of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Kozybayeva Makhabbat Malikovna told about the history of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK), about need of creation of methodical platforms in the form of the departments entering into Association of departments of APK.

The lecturer noted that the main tasks of APK include - maintenance of connections with ethnocultural associations, holding meetings and organizational actions for the purpose of familiarizing of student's youth with culture and traditions of all people of Kazakhstan. The Head of department of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Evdokimova Olga Nikolaevna held the presentation of School of mediation. Students got acquainted with a concept of mediation, its history, the principles of mediation. In a practical part of occupation students 1-3 courses acted in a role of a mediator and considered a conflict situation between the school student and the teacher. At the end of a training Olga Nikolaevna offered students cooperation with the purpose of attraction them to research activity of department. The head of the Center of polylinguism Solovyova Natalya Anatolyevna led a discussion with students about the cultural project "Trinity of Languages", polylingual education in Kazakhstan and about need of languages learning. For a more efficient and rapid study of the English language there was presented a multimedia educational program "Professor Higgins. English without accent", representing the full phonetic, lexical and grammatical reference book training machine of English, including all aspects of training in language.


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