The new department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan opened at the Kostanay state pedagogical institute

21.10.16 4On October 21 at the Kostanay state pedagogical institute, there were the ceremonial opening and the presentation of APK department, devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the presentation the opening ceremony of department and a round table discussion «Scientific-educational and upbringing role of APK department in social and political processes of the country», Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich, the dean of the faculty of Additional education, the candidate of historical sciences, appeared as a moderator of the presentation. At the ceremony of department, Bashmakov Anatoly Afanasyevich, the deputy of the Senate of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the IV-V convocations, the member council of APK, the director of the department of APK of ENU L. N. Gumilev, noted the relevance of opening the departments of APK and the importance for development in modern Kazakhstan and education of youth in the spirit of tolerance, patriotism and identity.


Shayakhmetov Nurbek Uakhapovich, the director of service of scientific and expert maintenance and methodological support of RNU at the President of Kazakhstan «Қоғамдық келісім», transferred to the address of department the letter of congratulations from the Director of RNU « Қоғамдық келісім» at the President of Kazakhstan of Kalashnikova Natalya Pavlovna.

With kind words of a parting, the ceremony was attended by Daumova Batima Beksultanovna, the head of the department of formation of akimat of the Kostanay region, Shulenov Мazhit Maksutuly, the head of the department of domestic policy of the Kostanay region: Vishnichenko Valery Georgiyevich, the director of the Public Records Office of the Kostanay region, the member of council of APK, the member of NES at APK, the candidate of historical sciences; Bekmagambetov Alimzhan Bauyrzhanovich, the chairman of NEG OANK managing sector of research work, the member of OANK; Dandybayev Bagitur Alimbayevich, member of APK, member of OANK; Kozhakhmetov Alpys Kabdenovich, deputy head of KSU akimat of the Kostanay region"; Sandybayeva Kalamkas Nurakhmetovna, head of KSU akimat of the Kostanay region", member of scientific and expert group.

The signing of the Memorandum of understanding and cooperation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the person of Bashmakov Anatoly Afanasyevich and the Kostanay state pedagogical institute, in the person of Akhmetov Tlegen Almukhanovich, the vice rector for educational work, social and economic problems, became a result of the ceremony.

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