Concert of Chamber orkestr

28.10.16On October, 28, 2016 the students of department of arts of speciality visited "Musical education" concert of Chamber orkestr regional filarmonii the name of Е. of Umurzakova. Director of the orchestra and the main conductor – tars Myzin. Brightly and light sounded works of classic of Kazakh literature Abay Kunanbayev " Kozimnin karasy ", "I told Salem Kalamkas" in execution a soloist filarmonii Serikа Abileva . Possessor of Grand Prix of international competition of vocalists in Italy Gulmira of Umbetova made happy an audience by execution of pearl Kazakh song folklore " Alcanar " by the aria of Sara from the orchestra of Mukanа of Tulebayevа " Birzhan and Sara", and also by the surprizing on beauty of melody song of modern composer Erkimbekova Serikа - " I am very sat ". In the program of concert works of osnovopolozhnikov of Kazakh professional classic music of Е. of Brusilovsky, А. Zhubanovа, М. of Tumebaeva, С. of Mukhamedzhanova, Л. of Hamidi, were widely presented in execution the soloists of filarmonii N. Stepanovoy, Krivorchuk, G. of Asanovoy, Е. of Pomozova, I. of Stakanova, Е. Muzhinoy.

Gratifying to mark that many graduating soloists-students of speciality "Musical education"
After a concert students succeeded to talk and take a small interview for the conductor of the Chamber orchestra Kostanay filarmonii tars Myzina. Graduating student of Academy of music of city of Astana, arrived to Kostanay with Elisabeth Myzinoy at the beginning of 2000.
Worked as the leader of folklore ensemble, and from 2013 is the leader of the Chamber orchestra. In conversation with a conductor students knew as a repertoire of orchestra is filled up, about that, who can игратьв by whom and about forthcoming concerts. Ton
Т. of Myzin marked that to the people from concerts area, at as pre-arranged journey to the city Chelyabinsk,where displays opera will be "Maid and state page" of primiero took place that in autumn of 2015.
One of the main roles in her Natalia Stepanovа carries out a soloist also graduating students of speciality "Musical education" students once again thanked T. S. Myzinа for a concert and wished creative successes.

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