"The past Earth’ fate"

16.03.18On March 18, 2016 a presentation of the Guidebook to rare editions "The past Earth' fate" took place on the basis of Kostanay regional universal scientific library named after L. Tolstoy. It provides a unique literature on the history of the region, which is located in a rare library fund. Introduction to this guide was written by Samarkin Sergei Vladimirovich, PhD (doctorate) in history. The presentation was attended by students of 1, 2 courses of the faculty of history and artsof specialties "Basics of law and economics", "History", and lecturers of the department of World History and social disciplines - PhD (doctorate) in history, associate professorDukhinYakovKuzmich; Head of department, PhD (doctorate) in history, associate professor YarochkinaElizaveta Viktorovna. The presentation was accompanied by costumed performances and exhibitions. The participants took part in the discussion of publications. Electronic full-text version of the guide in the state, Russian and English is available on the website of the library.

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