The exhibition dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

fii 15.12.15-exhibitionThe exhibition, dedicated the Day of independence Kazakhstan, has opened 15 December in hall Kostanai the regional. Local - History museum. On exhibition presented 14 work students THE КPGI : graph, painting, hand-made articles from voilok. The creative work student 3 and 4 the course and without seeing form the instruction preformed under guidance teacher faculties arts
Kasabolat Aigul Zhaparbekkyzy. On presentations exhibitions has spoken member of Soyuz artists Kazakhstan B.Zh. Batalova and the sculptor М.Т. Rahcaluev. - I shall consider, what the work students today actual - in they reflects history. On presentations exhibitions has spoken member of Soyuz artists Kazakhstan B.J.Batalova and the sculptor М.Т. Rahcauev. - I shall consider, what the work students today actual - in they reflects history, history of becoming irrespective state. The Job interesting, - has said sculptor, member of Soyuz artists Kazakhstan Bayan Batalova. In celebratory atmosphere sounded musical composition, executed students speciality « the Musical » formation. The exposition of work will be presented during month.

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