"Features of teaching humanitarian disciplines in the ungraded school"


On February 21, 2015 teachers of chair of a world history and public disciplines including: head of the department of academic questions, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kifik N.Yu., dean of the distance learning faculty, candidate of historical sciences Samarkin S.V., candidate of historical sciences, professor DukhinYa.K., head of the department of world history and public disciplines, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Yarochkina E.V., a student of the 1 course of the specialty "Bases of the Right and Economy" Murzagaliyev Ruslanwere organized and held the event on a subject: "Features of teaching humanitarian disciplines in the ungraded school" on the basis of Aleksandrov ungraded school, were present teachers and pupils of Boris-Romanov schools.


Teachers of higher education were held a methodical seminar, Kifik N.Yu. told about modern educational technologies and features of teaching in ungraded school, also there were presented educational and methodical textbooks according to "technique of teaching history", "technique of teaching bases of the right and economy". Kifik N.Yu., Samarkin S.V., Dukhin Ya.K. considered the directions in which we can give methodical help in the organization and holding seminars, round tables, training of pupils in scientific works. MurzagaliyevRuslan the student of the1 course of specialty "Bases of the Right and Economy" told about the specialty "Bases of the Right and Economy", what prospects expect it will be after graduated institute, and also told about projects of the youth organizations for granting privileges for coming in higher education institution. Within celebration anniversary of the 550 years of the Kazakh nationhood, 20 years of Constitutions of RK, 20 years of Assemblies of the people of Kazakhstan held an intellectual quiz of knowledge key questions of history our state.

The contract between institutes and school within active cooperation in many questions of education was signed with administration of school.

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