Photo exhibition-presentation dedicated to 135th anniversary of Kostanay

25.09.14On September 25, 2014 students of Kostanay State Teacher Training Institute of faculty of history and arts of the specialty "History" 3 course and pedagogics of chair of the world history and public disciplines c.h.s. Samarkin S.V., c.h.s., associate professor Yarochkina E.V. attended a photo exhibition presentation of the press photographer V.A. Seredenko presented by photos devoted to the 135 anniversary of Kostanay prepared by employees of the State archive of the Kostanay region. Students saw the city of the last years through the prism of a photolook of V.A. Seredenko who carefully kept material and contributed to archive that will become an additional source to students-researchers on writing graduation work and scientific projects.



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