19-21.05.14On May 19-21, 2014 y. in Kazakhstan in "Baldauren" I took place INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY of ARTS "TALENTS of XXI CENTURY".
An organizer is Center of creative initiatives of "Art aspect" at support:
- Branch of Union of composers of Republic of Kazakhstan in y. Astana
- The Public association of composers of the Karaganda area of "Balausa"
Aims and tasks of Assembly :
- It is Support of creative activity of children and young people in area of art;
- It is Encouragement of talented students and teachers;
- It is Popularization of work of the Kazakhstan composers;
- It is Expansion of communicative space between educational establishments.
Within the framework of International Assembly of arts held competition among students and teachers. In a nomination "Teachers-performers" fortepiano duet in composition k.p.s., p.о.docent Ljudmila Belozer and concertmaster of Saule Akbuzhurova occupied the departments of arts of the Kostanai state pedagogical college the second place. We congratulate Ljudmila Petrovna and Saule Zhumabakovna. We wish further creative successes!

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