The Department of Arts Week

28.03.14From March 25 to March 28, the department conducted methodical week arts. 25.03 at 16:30 was held open class "Adam kelbety" the discipline "Akademiyalyk suret" (responsible - Art. Teacher Hamilin E.A.). 26.03 at 12:30 conducted creative meeting "Ways of becoming a musician" 1-4 grade students specialty "Music education with Honored Culture K.Deripsaldinym Kazakhstan, Laureate Perm" Shabyt "Club Patrons Kostanai region A.Mukatovym (responsible - Responsibility: Art. Ven. Dubirbaeva B.T., concertmaster Akbuzhurova S.J.). 27.03 at 10:30 was held Exhibition of 3 rd year student majoring "Fine arts and drawing" Tursynbayeva A. (responsible - teacher Arkhipova K.G.). Submitted work (over 20) student performed in various types of visual arts: painting, drawing, sculpture.The opening was attended Dean IFE Ph.D., associate professor Balgabaeva G.Z. 28.03 at 10:30 heard a report item. teacher Zadorozhnaya S.N., p. Aisina S.T. teacher, teacher Turlubaeva D.K. the results of the master's thesis defense at the Omsk State Pedagogical University, as well as participation in the International competition of musical art «PRIMAVERA ROMANA» in g.Rime. Ph.D. Belozer L.P., teacher Shegay Y.G. 28.03 Debate held at 14:30 with students on "special items" Art "in the transition to 12-year-old model of education" (responsible - PhD Sapieva M.S.).

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