I international competition of musical art «PRIMAVERA ROMANA»

25.03.1421-25 March 2014 y. teachers of the Department of Arts Shegay Julia Georievna (academic vocals) and Belozer Lyudmila Petrovna (concertmaster) became laureates (III place) in the category "academic vocal" in the category of "Teacher-soloist" held in Rime I international competition of musical art «PRIMAVERA ROMANA».
Members of the jury were the following musicians:
Riccardo Marini - piano. Professor, Head of the Piano at the Conservatory "S. Cecilia" in Rome.
Giuseppe Crosta - violin. Associate Professor of the Conservatory "S. Cecilia" in Rome. He graduated from the Conservatory in violin and piano in Milan, Genoa graduate from Corrado Romano.
Irina Bosina - piano. President of the Cultural Association "Melos" (Italy). She graduated from the Novosibirsk State Conservatoire. Glinka (Russia). Currently lives and works in Sesto al Regen (Pordenone), Italy.

Eugene Kamyanskaya - piano, organ. Perm Philharmonic soloist, winner of international competitions. In September 2004 y., she had an internship in Germany at the Higher School of Music in 2005 y. - in the United States by the class "Organ and methods of teaching authority" (University of Washington), in 2009 y. - in Germany at the Higher School of Music (Luebeck, of FOCA), Spain - master Class Michelle Bovar (San Sebastian).
Larissa Latyshova - piano, organ. Associate Professor of Piano Kazakh National University of Arts. In 1993 she graduated from the Alma-Ata Conservatory Kurmangazy piano with Professor Aida Isakova.
Staff of the department congratulates Julia Shegay Georgievna and Lyudmila Petrovna Belozer and wishes success!

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