Public seminar on discipline Medieval History of Kazakhstan

27.02.14On 27th of February at 15.30 within a week of the Department there was an open seminar for the 2nd year students of Russian department, specialty "History" in the classroom number 210. A lecturer of the department of history of Kazakhstan, Master of History Nurpeisova E.T. read a lecture on "The Golden Horde: the rise, fall and weakening". Students considered the following questions: 1. Territory and population; 2. Domestic and foreign policy of the Golden Horde; 3. International relations of the Golden Horde. Influence of the Golden Horde in the historical events of Eurasia.The students were challenged to reveal the contents of the State of Ulug Ulus in detail, the state policy of the governors, to define the territory, to consider international relations of the Golden Horde. As a result of the seminar the goals and objectives are achieved.The seminar was visited by the teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan: senior teacher, Master of History Baidaly R.J., a teacher, Master of history Abilmalikov K.K., teacher, Master of History Erisheva T.A., Methodist of Research Center for problems of continuous pedagogical education Zhakaeva G.E.

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