At APK department summed up the results of the Regional competition of compositions "Мәңгілік Ел – the nation of the uniform future"

On March 3, 2017, at KSPI the ceremony of summing up the regional competition of compositions "Мәңгілік Ел – the nation of the uniform future", devoted to the Day of gratitude dated for day of formation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. This day becomes a good tradition to thank all ethnos living in Kazakhstan for ability to be on friendly terms and understand each other, to thank the Kazakh people for understanding, good, geniality and the help which were shown during the most hard and tragic times of deportations, cruel totalitarian regime.

Organizers: the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan KSPI with assistance of the secretariat of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan.
Competition purposes: education of new Kazakhstan patriotism at younger generation; formation of tolerant behavior at the studying youth; development of creative abilities of independent work of pupils.

To participation in the Regional competition pupils of 9-11 classes of educational institutions and organizations of secondary professional education (colleges, lyceums) of the Kostanay region were invited. Competitive works were represented in the Kazakh, Russian, English languages. Following the results of a competition the collection where the best creative works entered was published.












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