Mediation history: the search for a simple way to difficult decisions!

On February 23 at APK department the second occupation of the School of mediation and national diplomacy on the subject "History of Development of Mediation and National Diplomacy" took place. Since February at the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan there began the work the School of mediation and national diplomacy. Purposes of the school: to train students of the institute in the basic principles of mediation in the resolution of conflicts. It especially important to future teachers, the teacher at modern school performs not only the professional functions but also work of a mediator, resolving the school conflicts and accepting a possibility of their emergence. Classes are given by free of charge skilled teachers of the institute, and also experts and coaches on the mediation of the House of the friendship.

The second lesson was devoted to the main stages of the history of the development of mediation in the world. It was conducted by the dean of the faculty of additional education, the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor S. V. Samarkin and the associate professor of APK, the doctor of Ph.D. M. M. Kozybayeva. Occupation took place in a form of discussion and role-playing games, and also quizzes. Associate professor Kozybayeva Makhabbat Malikovna told that the history of mediation traces the roots back to an extreme antiquity. During certain historical eras, there were various forms of the settlement conflicts providing the whole package of measures and the decisions capable are temporary, or to finally extinguish the conflict. The procedure of mediation - conciliatory methods of settlement of disputes were applied still the ancient world: China and Japan, Greece and Rome, but in a modern look, the institute of mediation arose in the middle of the 20th century in the USA. Studying features of the Kazakh national diplomacy on the example of institute heroes, students had an opportunity to visit the place great Kazakh heroes: Kazybek, Ayteke. They played situations which on legends and historical sources took place, and learned the wisdom of ancestors, explaining features of the pronounced sentences, and also a sense of catchwords and aphorisms and their influence on the development of society.

Школа медитации

Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich told about features of the conflicts in the historical process. In the course of the quiz, students got acquainted with some types of the conflicts which took place in the world history, and also tried to track on concrete examples how they were resolved. It was offered to students to find striking examples from history where the conflicts were resolved by means of the mediation and negotiations what they successfully coped with.
By the way, the School of mediation and national diplomacy at APK department will continue the work until the end of April. During course, students will get acquainted with the conflicting nature; will seize the equipment of oratory and belief, and also order and features of holding a procedure of mediation. To all listeners who mastered the program certificates will be issued.


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