The team of SHF "Birlik" took the 1st place in the intellectual game "Eternal Country"


The other day an intellectual game took place on the basis of the regional House of Friendship within the framework of the project “ Spiritual Revival - Eternal Country”.

The goal of the game was to increase students' interest in the historical past of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its culture and traditions, identify the intellectual potential of students, foster a sense of patriotism and tolerance among young people.

Participation in the game took students of universities of Kostanay KSU named A Baitursynov, KSPU, KF ChelSU, KINEU named M. Dulatov and KSTU - who fought among themselves in an intellectual duel for the right to be called the best expert on the “ Spiritual Revival ” program.

The questions were diverse subjects: from sacred geography to the Red Book of Kazakhstan. According to the results of 5 rounds, the team of our university was recognized as the best, for which it was awarded a diploma of 1 degree and sweet prizes. The team included 1-4 year students of the specialty “History” Zhuldyz Adyrbaeva, Sultan Kozhamberdiev, Dinara Zhumatova, Aydana Idrisova, the captain of the team was Guldana Kapsultanova. Kuanysh Abilmalikov, a teacher at the Department of History of Kazakhstan at KSPU, a member of the scientific expert group of the regional ANK, became the mentor of the GFS team. The team could have resorted to his help in a difficult situation.

Congratulations to our students and the faculty with a well-deserved victory!

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