Republican round table on "Turkic Genesis and the Golden Horde"

November 13-14 at Kostanay state pedagogical University.O. Sultangazina held a Republican round table on "Turkic Genesis and the Golden Horde", dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. The moderator of the round table was Amanzhol Kuzembaiyly.

The event was attended by doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Erkin Amanzholyly, Director of the Research Institute of Altai Studies and Turkology of the Eurasian national University. L. N. Gumilev, doctor of philological Sciences, Professor of Sartkozha Karzhaubaiuly, Secretary Shezhire public enterprises Tugbungan, a member of the Union of journalists, local historian Salterbeck Karabayev, head of the Internet project "History of Kazakhstan", the excellent information of Kazakhstan Altynbek Umirzakovich, head of information of Public enterprises Tugbungan were attended by a member of the world Association of Kazakhs and the Congress of historians of Kazakhstan Bahithat Soltani, a member of the Public Association Mogorola Erlangen Daniyar.

The next day, historians visited the mausoleum of Working Batyr of Mendikara area.

18 11 2019kz2



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