Sports starts at “Student spring 2014”

stud vesna 2014-1In sports program of XXth regional inter-institutional festival "Student spring 2014" "Mangilik El – Mangilik Kazakhstan", held on the basis of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, ended up the first type of contests on togyz kumalak. In the team ranks among male youth, places were distributed in the following order: 1st place – KSPI, 2nd place – KSU named after A.Baytursynov, 3rd place – ArkSPI named after Y.Altynsarin.
In personal ranks among male youth unexpectedly for everyone Zhamantay Nurbolat (ArkSPI) became a winner, left behind famous sportsmen Utebaev Duman (KSU) and Bigazin Medet (KSPI). Among female there were no surprises and the winner was champion of Asia 2014, international Master of Sport on togyz kumalak Mukhametkalieva Aiym, who is 3rd year student of physical education. Sports and tourism faculty, second place was taken by representative from KSU Mausymbayevoy Samal, and on the third place Aldiyarova Assel from Arkalyk.
The final day of "Student spring 2014" mini-football team from ArkSPI presented sensation, alternately beating traditionally strong teams of RII and KSPI, which are took second and third places respectively. At the fight hall the competition was persistent to the final of the contest teams of KSPI and ArkSPI came up with two champions in different weight classes, but the number of winners team the Turgay region took first place; the third place due to the effort of brothers Dzhvaridze was taken by the team of Kostanay engineering and economical university named after M.Dulatov.
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