On November 6 faculty of Physical culture, sport and tourism I celebrated Ryaskin Victor

One of the stablest at institute is the staff of faculty of physical culture. sport and tourism. Ryaskin Victor who has celebrated on November 6 the 70-year anniversary treats old residents of faculty!

Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich works at the Kostanay state pedagogical institute since 1971 from the moment of the termination of the Kazakh state institute of physical culture in Almaty in physical culture and sport - the basketball coach. Long time I worked as the teacher, from 1992 to 2000 I worked as the head of the department of sports disciplines.

In 1986 to Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich the rank of the Honored trainer of Kazakhstan is given. In 1987 the rank "Excellent Student of Education of Kazakhstan" is given.

From 2014-2015 academic years at faculty is the head of a work practice on final years of internal and correspondence offices. Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich is a skilled teacher studies gives at the high level, approaches creatively the business. Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich constantly works on increase in professional level.

Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich actively is engaged in trainer's activity. Conducts training of the KGPI team on basketball. In 2011 as a part of national team of the Kostanay region six students of faculty of physical culture became champions of the All Kazakhstan sports contest, having executed norm of Masters of Sports in basketball.

Teachers and students of faculty express profound gratitude for his work in training of teachers and trainers, wish creative longevity and inexhaustible optimism.

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