News of the Universiade

On March 1, 2018, the VII Winter Universiade started among the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar. On the first day of spring, the opening ceremony of the games took place, which gathered about 2,000 young athletes. From the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute there are teams of seven declared sports.

In the program of the Winter Universiade there are 9 kinds of sports: ski races, winter presidential all-around, winter sports orienteering, futsal, arm-wrestling, weight-lifting, powerlifting, basketball, қазақ күресі.

According to the results of the four days of the VII Winter Universiade among the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar, students of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute took the second place in the Presidential all-around among young men, losing only to the team from Petropavlovsk State University. Although in the personal championship student 2 course Makushenko Vyacheslav took 1 place, Levin Eugene 2 place. Girls in the Presidential all-around took the 5th place. By results on March 7, our students took 1 ski team in five nominations among men and 3 team places in five nominations among women.

In ski races our students also show good results, so in the ski races Shalygina Xenia, the 2nd year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport" took 1st place, Bashmakov Nail student of the third year of specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" took 2nd place, and Kovalev Vladislav student 3 courses of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport" took 3rd place. In the relay 2 to 3 km, the boys took 1st and 2nd places. Distinguished students of the 3rd course Kovalev Vladislav and Bashmakov Nail taking 1st place, Makalov Sergey 2nd year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" and Dunenbaev Rustem 1st year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" took 2nd place. Girls in the relay 2 to 3 took 2 place (Shalygina Xenia 2 course and Chernykh Natalia 1 course). In the classification in ski racing Shalygina Xenia took 2nd place, Bashmakov Nail 3 place. In the personal championship in shooting Makushenko Vyacheslav took 2nd place.

Also showed a decent result, our players, taking third place in futsal. This victory is all the more important because our students did not go to football competitions for more than 10 years, and at the same time showed a good result.

March 9, we were pleased with the representatives of weight-lifting, taking the team first place. The first place in their weight categories won:

  1. Kangash Ilya 2nd year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport"
  2. Sysolyatin Oleg, 4th year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"
  3. Turmin Sergey, 4th year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport"
  4. Dmitry Boger, 1st year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"
  5. Nikolay Mishchenkov, 1st year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"

2rd place took: Vasily Mischenkov, 1st year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"

3rd place took: Darush Sahi, 3-year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport".

Congratulations to our winners and look forward to further victories!

VII зимняя Универсиада

VII зимняя Универсиада

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VII зимняя Универсиада

VII зимняя Универсиада

VII зимняя Универсиада

VII зимняя Универсиада

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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