"Mountaineer, my rock-climber!"


April 11-15 in Almaty hosted the RK Championship in sport climbing in the disciplines of speed, difficulty and bouldering!

Bouldering is a new kind of climbing, one of three kinds! Bouldering route 2, 5-3 meters in height, which takes into account the time, and the number of attempts, how much you will do in the allotted time and reach the summit! The athlete comes to the track without seeing it, the time is 4 minutes, and in 4 minutes you have to get through, making fewer attempts, which climbed all the routes and made less attempts and won! It's unpredictable; everyone who acts in the discipline of bouldering has a non-standard way of thinking!

Kostanay region in this championship was represented by Ekaterina Krut - master of sports in sport climbing, a third-year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports".

Here are some comments about the past competitions: Katya: "6 people go to the finals, I got 6th, I went first, my result was 4 bonuses with 15 attempts! I'm the only girl who took the bonus on the 3rd track, there was a take-off on the hooks (without arms, clean legs) and jump. The girls were afraid to run and jump! I tried to try and try and to the last, and tried to jump to the bonus with 10 attempts! Emotions over the edge, the Championship is the main competition and here I am the second, Thank you to everyone who believed in me, my coach, Ilyin Vl Adimir Viktorovich, who always told me: "Katya does not relax and prepare for the next rounds!"

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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