«It's fun to walk together on the route…»

From May 16 to May 21, 2018, the students of the specialties "Physical Culture and Sport" and "Tourism" passed the training practice. In the framework of this practice, freshmen made a 6-day hike along the route Kostanay - sports and recreational base KSPI village Shcherbakovo (Altynsarinsky district) - Kostanay.
In the hike students received many valuable in their own opinion skills: organizing and conducting category routs, cooking at the bonefire, setting up a tent, and most importantly - working in a team.

In addition, first-year students have mastered the technical tasks: orientation on the terrain on the map, hinged crossing, crossing the poles through the swamp, topography and many others.

Many of the participants of the practice were satisfied with the results of the campaign and received certificates from the federation of sports tourism and mountaineering of Kostanay region that confirm the right to organize weekend tours for children and youth tourism.

Congratulations to freshmen with the certificate and successful passing of their first student practice!

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