Conference within the intellectual platform G-Global

05.04.16 G-GlobalOn April 5, 2016 on the basis of Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute, was held a conference in the form of a round table within the intellectual platform G-Global, organized by psycho-pedagogical faculty.
The conference theme is closely linked with the international experience of integration of education "Integration of Education of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization." Currently, globalization has had a growing influence on the educational policies of the world. Conference participants considered the trend of globalization, which is manifested in the educational space of Kazakhstan, discussed interstate cooperation in this field.
The conference was attended by students of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and the Department of pre-school, primary and special education. Conference was organized by the teachers of psycho-pedagogical faculty: Ph.D. Nazmutdinov R.A., Master of pedagogical Science Borshevskaya I.P., Master of Russian Language and Literature Baymenova K.S., as well as the head of the Center for Religious Studies, a member of the IRG KGPI - "religious Center" Shaimerden G.I.

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