The open lecture event

16.04.04According to the plan of carrying out the week of department of pedagogy on April 4, 2016, a senior teacher, a master of pedagogical sciences Ivanova Elena Nikolaevna had given the open lecture classes by discipline: "Theory and methods of educational work" for students of the 3rd course of specialties: mathematics, physics, informatics. The lecturer had given the SMART aim to this class, focused students on the work on stages: call, judgment, reflection.
Lecture was given with use of a problem method of training, ICT technologies, elements of technology of development of critical thinking through reading and writing, methods of activization of educational-cognitive activity of students.
Ivanova E.N. in consideration of theoretical scientific bases of the theme had relied on the having knowledge of students, repetition of key terms, definitions, modern requirements to activities of the class teacher for promotion of a healthy lifestyle of pupils according to the Program of education of January 12, 2016 are staticized.During lecture students actively worked on filling of the table of strategy: I know, I want to learn, I have learned; drawing up the associagraphs "healthy lifestyle"; the analysis of videos about addictions; recommendations about an operating mode at the computer.The interrelation of theoretical provisions of activity of the class teacher on education of culture of a healthy lifestyle at pupils with experience of students in carrying out class hours was carried out during pedagogical practice. In completion of lecture occupation the reflection was carried out.After lecture attendees had carried out the methodical analysis, and also noted that lecture had taken place at the high scientific and methodical level.

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