Curator hours of Akhmetbekova Z.D.

In 2015-2016 academic year a senior teacher of department of psychology of Akhmetbekovy Z.D. had planned and conducted with students of 4th course of specialty 5B010300 – Pedagogics and psychology the curator hours with use of multimedia technologies for the following themes:
- The curator hour devoted to the 20 anniversary of the Constitution of RK passed in a game form (September);
- "Impact of spices on an organism" in a form of a seminar, viewing of the presentation and the documentary of harm of the use of "spices" (October);
- "Prevention of religious extremism among young people" took place in a form of conversation, viewing of the documentary "Kazakhstan will fight against religious extremism and terrorism", had considered the concept "religion" and "sect", participated in brainstorming, responded to the test "Whether you come under others' influence?" (November);
- On December 1 – day of the first President passed in a type of viewing of the presentation on which students could get acquainted closer with the biography and the identity of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev (December);
- Discussion of the message to the people of Kazakhstan by the President of Kazakhstan - acquaintance with contents of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 2016 "KAZAKHSTAN IN NEW GLOBAL REALITY: GROWTH, REFORMS AND DEVELOPMENT" (December);
- The curator hour devoted to the international Women's Day passed in a type of various fascinating games, competitions, gave gifts, told poems, songs in honor of women, mothers, grandmothers and sisters (March).
Actions had taken place at the good methodical level. These curator hours promoted moral education, formation of a civic stand, sense of responsibility, feeling of patriotism, to development of informative activity, prevention of a healthy lifestyle and extremism among students, to education at students of peacefulness, acceptance and understanding of other people, to ability is positive to interact with them.

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