Curator hours of Kalinichenko O. V.

-In 2015-2016 academic year a senior teacher of department of psychology Kalinichenko O. V. had planned and conducted with students of 2th course of specialty 5B050300 – Psychology the curator hours on the following themes:
- "A professional way of M. M. Mukanov" - the curator hour devoted to the 95th anniversary since the birth of the doctor of psychological sciences (October);
- "Tolerance – a basis of life of society" - curator hour in the form of psychological training of development of tolerance (November);
- "N. A. Nazarbayev – a way of the Leader" - viewing and discussion of the video movie "With Nazarbayev about the main thing" (December);
- "Time-management bases for students" - discussion of recommendations to students on effective planning of activity and optimization of time (January);

- "Kazakhstan in new global reality: growth, reforms, development" - discussion of the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan – the Leader Nation of N. A. Nazarbayev (February);
- " A. Bukeykhanov's life and activity" - updating and expansion of knowledge of students of a course of life of a leader of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people (March).
Curator hours were spent with application of means of multimedia, in a dialogue form, in the form of discussion, with use of elements of social and psychological training. Students were involved in carrying out these actions, had an opportunity not only to obtain information, but also to express the position on cases in point and to show organizing abilities.

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