Social and pedagogical readings

25.03.16On March 25, 2016 the department of preschool, primary and special education had made the social and pedagogical readings devoted to the famous teachers Y. Altynsarin and A. Makarenko. Teachers and students of KSPI (Kostanay), RSSU (Moscow), ChSPU (Chelyabinsk) had participated in the conference. As moderators there were L.V. Mardakhayev, PhD in pedagogy, professor, the chairman of the department of social pedagogy; A.M. Egorychev, PhD in philology, professor of department of social pedagogy (RSSU); N. A. Sokolova, PhD in pedagogy, professor, the chairman of the department of social work, pedagogy and psychology; R. S. Dimukhamedov, PhD in pedagogy, professor of department of social work, pedagogy and psychology (ChSPU); E.D. Li, PhD (doctorate) in pedagogy, the chairman of the department of PsESE; A.F. Dayker, PhD (doctorate) in pedagogy, professor of department of PsESE (KSPI). The submitted reports had caused scientific interest in audience that had allowed to realize network interaction of participants effectively.
After plenary session at department of PsESE work on sections within student's scientific conference "A step to the future was continued: pedagogical science by eyes of students". Following the results of student's conference the students had been awarded with certificates and memorable prizes.

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