«Scientific maintenance of professional development of a teacher»

2016.04.06On March 6, 2016 within the week of department of pedagogy there had passed the round table on the subject "Scientific maintenance of professional development of a teacher". The participants were: Nabatnikova Tatyana Ivanovna - a chief on methodical work of RNPTs "Kostanay Daryny", Ilsova Gulbarshyn Aypbergenovna - the deputy director of pilot school No. 10 with Kazakhlanguage training, a certified teacher of 2 levels of Kostanay, Bekentayeva Ayman Kozhakovna - a head of the planning department of the planning of educational process and innovative development, Ishchanova Raisa Sadykpayevna - a specialist of the planning department of the planning of educational process and innovative development, lecturers and students of 1 course of psychology and pedagogical faculty of KSPI.
Issues which had been touched on it actions were very actual. It concerned psychology and pedagogical escort and professional support of a teacher: the basic conceptual provisions of scientific and pedagogical maintenance, about the help of high school lecturers in scientific-proved psychological and pedagogical maintenance of innovations of teachers of schools, about various approaches to psychological and pedagogical maintenance at the present stage of Kazakhstan education level, about a role of methodical service in integration "Higher education institution" - "School", and also about value for a teacher of psychology and pedagogical consultation in professional development of a teacher, about features of maintenance of professional development of pilot school and many other problems of modern Kazakhstan education.The subject of a round table had caused a great interest in listeners. In discussion active participation was accepted by a chairman of department of pedagogy Utegenova B. M., a senior lecturer of department of pedagogy Abdirkenova A.K, a moderator of the round table Shalgimbekova A.B., students of the specialty "Defectology", representatives of department of planning of educational process and innovative development of KSPI.

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