Charity event «Create goods»

16.02.20-ppf-actionOn February 20, 2016 a senior lecturer of department of psychology Kairova B. K. with students, had visited the center of adaptation of minors for Kostanay region with a charity event.
Creation of conditions for patriotic, spiritually - moral and esthetic education of younger generation; development in children of skills of communication and ability to prove in various life situations were main objectives of this charity event.
In the program of an action there were concert, role-playing games, competitions and dances. More than 20 children of different age from 3 to 15 years are living in the center and such meetings are necessary for them for disclosure of the talents, creative abilities. Children very actively supported all dancers and singers appearing on stage.

The concert program was various and interesting. Most of the viewers had wanted to participate in a concert, actively read verses on patriotic subjects in Kazakh and Russian languages, and danced. They were very talented and benevolent. Under incendiary music group of girls, pupils of the center, left to dance modern youth dance. Students have lightened mood to children and the staff of the Center who have amicably supported organizers of an action. In intervals between songs and dances held games which have allowed children it will be loaded with even more energy and a positive. At the end tea drinking with sweets at the expense of organizers of an action had been organized.

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