"The traffic against road accidents"

ppf-pdd-11.02 611 February 2016 teacher of the Department of DNISO Sakaulova A. S. event was held "Against traffic accidents" for students of 1st courses. The event took place with the participation of head of the department of administrative law and administrative activities of the Academy, master of laws, police Lieutenant Colonel Kim Dmitry Alexandrovich. The event was held in the form of competition between specialties. At the beginning of the session it was viewed video from traffic accidents. On the basis of viewing the video students in groups have described the causes of the accident caused by drivers and pedestrians at fault. Then with the report and the presentation of statistics of accidents was made lieutenant colonel of police Kim DA The information was very informative and educational. Just had a quiz on knowledge of traffic rules. At the end the group was awarded the specialty "Defectology" took 1st place.The work as a whole has passed meaningful, interesting and organized way, the students expressed their wishes to each other based on the theme of the event. During the event, the students have acquired knowledge of the statistical plan. The event was aimed at building communication skills, a sense of camaraderie. Of the event had a positive impact on students. The event as a whole was able to achieve its goals and objectives. During the event, various activities have been used: the survey, conversation, discussion, group work.



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